PV001 → HyperPortraits

Digital photography, digital sculpture

Mathematically, the prefix « hyper » describes elements integrating a 4th dimension to the 3 dimensions of space. In the work on this page, each sculptural element contains a portrait, of which only a detail is displayed. Assembled, these elements form a complete subject, augmented, put to the power of 1000 : a HyperPortrait.

This hybrid medium tries to exacerbate the emotions felt by the model, to make sure it is intensly transmitted to a receiver. Pieces of bodies overstate the proportions of the model, externalise the feeling barely contained in the body. They move, swarm, entangle, extrude themselves from the inside towards the surface where they project the message.

Gardian Series

Baigneur (Cruising) Series

For the Baigneurs, the hyperportrait is applied to a traditional pictural subject, mixing erotic portraits and self-portraits. Each sculptural element is covered with the detail of a portrait : an belly, a thigh, a chest, lips, a penis, a tongue, entangled to create a voluptuous evocation of the body, or a parody. The beach and the sea is reminiscent of gay beaches and outdoor cruising spaces, high place of sensuality. This series explores the self perception of the naked body in a public space, and the confrontation to the perception of others.

Why decide to be naked in a public space ? Does it bring me any sensual sensations ? Am I looking for the validation of others ? Am I an exhibitionist, an autoerotic, a naturist, a weirdo, am I just Queer ?

How do you perceive my naked body ? I consent to your gaze, are you excited ? Do you not consent to looking at me ? Are you analyzing me, deforming me, judging me ?